Lieux d'intervention

Them's Concept is with you all over the World....

Paris / Hong-Kong / Londres / Düsseldorf / New-York / Singapore

Are you planning to exhibit, set up a showroom or an event in France or abroad? Thanks to its worldwide network of partners, Them’s Concept is able to work with you at the main places where your events take place.

From design to production, we provide a turnkey solution in every corner of the world. This way, you keep the ease of working with a local contact, the distance does not change our quality of service. Our design office in France designs and conceptualizes your stand, showroom, display and manages production abroad with its service providers.


Germany Düsseldorf Cologne Frankfurt Berlin Nuremberg Munich Stuttgart Belgium Brussels Spain Barcelona Madrid Saragosse Finland Helsinki France Paris Lyon Bordeaux Cannes Toulouse Montpellier Castres Italy Milan Bologna Netherlands Amsterdam Poland Cracow Poznan Kielce Czech Republic Prague Roumania Bucharest United Kingdom Birmingham London Farnborough Russia Moscow Saint-Petersburg  Sweden  Stockholm Switzerland Basel Geneva Turkey Istanbul Ukraine Kiev

Asia / Pacific

Australia Sydney Brisbane Melbourne Chine Hong-Kong Pékin Guangzhou Shanghaï South Korea Séoul India Bombay New Delhi Chennai Indonesia Singapore Jakarta Japan Osaka Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Taîwan Taïpei Vietnam Ho Chi Minh


Argentina Buenos Aires Brazil Rio de Janeiro Chile Santiago Colombia Bogotá Canada Montréal United States Orlando New-York San Francisco Chicago Las Vegas Los Angeles Boston Mexico Mexico Peru Lima

Africa / Middle East

South Africa Johannesburg Durban Le Cap Ivory Coast Abidjan Egypt Cairo  United Arab Emirates  Abu Dhabi Dubaï Ethiopia Addis Abeba Irak Arbil Jordan Amman Kenya Nairobi Kuwait Mishref Koweït Qatar Doha Lebanon Beyrouth Morocco Casablanca Nigeria Lagos Abuja Oman Muscat Senegal Dakar